速報APP / 美食佳飲 / Corvette Cafe

Corvette Cafe



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Corvette Cafe(圖1)-速報App

Corvette Cafe

INSIDE the O'Rielly Chevrolet Dealership

6160 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85711

Come Taste our Espresso coffee drinks, Smoothies, Chillers, and wonderful House coffee. We also have many flavors to add to to your favorite coffee drink that might be HOT or COLD like a Mocha, Latte Dirty Chai, Cappuccino, Double Decker.

Corvette Cafe(圖2)-速報App

Come for breakfast or lunch anytime. We serve our whole MENU. We are inside O'Rielly Chevrolet Dealership on Broadway next to Park Place. Come see us while you are in for car service or looking for a new or used vehicle. We make your food and drinks while you wait. Try our fresh made Egg Bowl, our Corvette Power Plate, Cruze the Lite Plate, or pick a Malibu Garden Salad, maybe a BLT.SUV or a Equinox Ham Sandwich. Maybe try our Tahoe Hamburger. Make any Lunch order a COMBO and get our Fresh BAKED Fries / Tater Tots.

Come Dine with us and enjoy good food.

Monday-Friday: 7:00am - 5:30pm.

- We will serve FOOD from menu until 4:30pm

Corvette Cafe(圖3)-速報App

Saturday: 7:00am - 12:00pm.

- We will serve FOOD from menu until 11:00am

支援平台:iPhone, iPad